Welcome to the Garage

I’ll just say it, this is a horrible idea for a website.  Anybody will tell you, if you’re going to do a website you gotta find a niche, otherwise it’s too hard to find an audience.  Well I’m not really a niche kind of guy. 

In fact I’m what some might call a (cough) dilettante (cough).  Which is somebody that dabbles or tinkers in an area of interest.  My problem is I like to dabble or tinker in a lot of areas of interest. Which doesn’t really lend itself to a niche website. 

So what I’m building here is a place for me to experiment and work on projects.  A sort of digital garage, where I can share my ideas, and lessons learned over a wide variety of topics.  

You can expect to hear me wax poetic about topics that range from pop culture, to work, to a wacky idea for a gubernatorial run for office.  I’ll also document some ongoing experiments/projects as well as share some work from my past.  Hopefully, we’ll all learn a bit, and maybe be inspired to do a bit more.  

With that said, welcome to my garage.  

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